After being married and out of the game for over ten years, I realized something when I jumped back into the dating scene. Dating has changed for men. Well dating has changed for everyone, but it...
One day things are going great in your relationship, no clues that anything is wrong. Out of the blue you are hit with "we need to talk". Nothing good ever follows that statement. Reacting to a...
I hate life. That is a huge statement. Yet this is exactly what I said to myself the other morning. I stopped and thought about it and yes, I hate my life, not being alive, just my present...
As I sat in traffic this morning, I pondered to myself. Why do I hate corporate life so much? What is it exactly? Two years ago when I was unemployed, this job seemed amazing. It didn't take me long...
Here we go another MGTOW who has sworn off women forever. I must have moved back into my father's basement with my Cheetos-stained hands and playing W.O.W, while simultaneously jerking off to Anime...
Online dating is becoming much more difficult. Ten years ago, when I got started, it was only somewhat hard to have any success, but I had pretty good results. Hell, I even got married to...