Who is a Reinvented Man For?

Why did I start this site? I asked myself this question. It is fair to say 2020 has been a terrible year, at least for most of us. I guess if you own a facemask or window replacement business things are going great. This year was eye opening for me. I mentioned my trials and tribulations in the about me section here. To summarize, I lost both my wife and my job in a matter of weeks. Well, lost is the wrong word, I know where they are, they are just not with me.

Although I was not completely without fault (we are never completely without fault), any objective viewer would agree I was treated unfairly in both cases. The result of a lot of pent up anger is this blog.

Talking to friends, listening to the news and YouTube I realize something…I am not alone. I am not the only one who had everything taken from them. I am not the only person who left their happiness and freedom in someone else’s hands, only to have those hands squeeze tightly.

I decided I want more… no scratch that I want everything I can get. No longer am I going to let my own happiness and strength be dependent on the whims of others. I will not follow the ordinary path while feeling trap in existence. I need to live a free life.

That is the purpose of A Reinvented Man. Helping men move toward a free life. Helping men move out of the corporate rat race and traps of relationships and into an existence of their choosing.

Every article will be designed to point us to an unshackled existence. My topics will be on divorce/relationships, corporate life, alternative sources of income, men’s travel, and personal improvement. I will also write a few articles warning our younger brethren about the pitfalls of life.

I desire a free life… that is what America promised us after all. I am talking traveling the world, sitting on the beach somewhere with a few dozen twenty something year old women around me on a Tuesday afternoon (holding a nice drink). No one telling me to work on Sunday, no one yelling at me for pillows left on the floor, just living my one and only life how I want…by my own design.

Crazy? Perhaps… but I have one shot at this existence, I will make it as wonderful as it can be….

So, join me, agree with me or disagree with me…. tell me I am crazy.

I do think I need to add the disclaimer that this is not an anti-woman site (or even an anti-relationship site). My goal is not to insult all women or speak as if they are below us. In fact, some articles may help women as much as men. If you are a woman, I hope there are places on this site that help you find the freedom you are looking for as well.

I will however call women on their B.S. when it is necessary. I will also not coddle them and support how oppressed they think they are. Many of today’s problems for men can, in part, be due to how we have weakened themselves to make women feel stronger.

The purpose of A Reinvented Man is to help men (and myself) become stronger and live the life they really crave. To have what they desire guilt free and not watch their lives go by from a cage. I am not any sort of expert, just someone who was put through the ringer and had his eyes opened. These are my experiences and my thoughts … we all have our own.

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