Here we go another MGTOW who has sworn off women forever. I must have moved back into my father’s basement with my Cheetos-stained hands and playing W.O.W, while simultaneously jerking off to Anime porn. You are welcome for that image reader. Let me set the record straight, I am not a MGTOW. I still date; yet thinking back I must ask are women worth the trouble?
So many of my life goals were put on hold, so much stress was caused, and a good amount of pain in my life can be attributed to the women I dated. I am not the only one. I have a friend who went to jail (because his then girlfriend hit a cop), others who are financially strapped and too many heart breaks to count.
How many actors, leaders or politicians went through hell and lost everything because of a relationship. Once again, I ask are women worth the trouble? Seriously, are women worth the enormous risk!? Throughout our lives we are told to find a good woman and get married, have kids… how is that working out for over half of you? I guess I need to dive into this a little further.
Before I Begin
Let me make it clear I don’t hate women, men are no walk in the park either. I am just asking the question: Are women (and relationships in general) worth the trouble? Having one’s life ruined, heartbroken, and possibly ruining your financial future is a lot to risk. It is not that there aren’t good women out there, it is just that the risk of getting a bad one is high and getting higher. This society does not normally take the man’s side, and we are usually the bad guy, especially in court..
My problem is not women, but is a relationship worth losing yourself and goals over? I think back to the money, mental energy and time wasted, as a 46-year-old I think… well fuck. It is my fault, my priorities were off. Instead of being the best version of myself I could be, I pined after ladies. Or worse, wasted years in relationships that I knew were going nowhere. Currently I am single, my future feels brighter than it has in a long time.
Relationships aren’t all bad
Given that most of the human population pairs up with the opposite sex at one time or another there must be something to it. I was married for 6-years. For most (almost all if I am being honest ) of that time I was happy. Well, we seemed happy. Yes, I missed certain aspects of single life and being with the same person lacks some of the spark, but still it was a good life. I got companionship, someone to travel with, “other benefits” all of that is great, especially in the beginning.
Yes, things started to get old or perhaps stale, but it was nice building a family and home with someone. Whether or not it is worth the risks and sacrifice, well I guess that’s the point of this post.
The Wrong Woman Can Destroy you

It is ironic that I was inspired to write this now. With two major Hollywood A-List actors having their careers destroyed by the women they chose. Will Smith would be lucky to play a tree in a third-grade play after what he did. His bald, cheating wife gave him a look and he ran up and French slapped another man over a joke. As a side, never slap a man, you aren’t Dorthey from the Golden Girls. Now he made the choice to do this, but he has been broken down so badly by this woman that her look had him “defending her honor”.
Then there is Jonny Depp, whose name is being dragged through the mud because of an abusive Ex. If a guy did a third of the things she did to him, the woman would be a hero. All this for love, losing millions of dollars and your reputation for a woman. It makes me ask once again are women worth the trouble?
But Everyone is Doing It
Maybe not everyone is in a terrible abusive relationship. Hell, you may not have (yet) had your wife or Fiancée walk out on you and things could look good on paper. There are two problems with this line of thought. 1) The risks are still there, I know you can’t live your life in fear, but you cannot ignore someone that can ruin your life either. 2) Even the most secure marriage looks like a bore after a while. So many of my friends are jealous of my freedom. They want to hear stories of Pattaya (read about it here) and live through me. Kids make it worse, and they find their wife doesn’t even care for them after a baby is born.
I see this all the time, it is all about the kid, the wife’s attention and the man’s money are all funneled to some 2-foot monster. Your time is gone and so is your cash, it is awful. This is usually THE BEST outcome. Yet, I think I can make the argument that in certain situations women are worth the trouble.
Are Women Worth the Trouble (It Depends)
It all depends on you. It is nice to have someone in your life, especially to build a future with, but there are rules you need to follow. Overall if you follow the below, yes a relationship can be worth the risks and the headaches. The number one rule is you need to vet the person, not someone who is good for right now, not what a beautiful arse she has, she needs to have morals and integrity. Weeding out the wrong woman (and there a lot of them) is of the upmost importance.
Secondly, a woman needs to fit into your life and goals. If you are working a terrible job and getting out of shape because of a woman, your life is being wasted. In this case women aren’t worth the trouble! You have only one time on this mortal plane, you need to live it on your terms. If you can’t find that, work on your own life until you do. Do not put girls at the center of your universe. You are the center of your universe. The ironic thing is you will attract a higher quality woman when you act this way. If you spend your time chasing after someone and ignoring other aspects of your life, then you failed.
To repeat, you must be on guard and vet any woman properly (even short timers). What seems to be the perfect person (who you are seeing through rose colored glasses) can ruin your life and change her mind. Watch for someone who is slowly taking control of your resources IE time and money. Before you know it, you’re sleeping on the couch, and she is sleeping on the bed you bought.
Don’t be Like Most Men

The biggest problem I see is that a relationship, whether that be girlfriend, wife or whatever seems to rule the guy’s life. They sacrifice their own future to get this “ultimate” prize. Thinking this will give them purpose. Worse yet many men become their partners lap dog, slowly conceding to the wishes of their girl. They lose themselves and focus entirely on making their woman happy “remember happy wife happy life.” If a man does blow up their family, it is to be with yet another woman which who they have the same weak tendencies.
Even guys not trying to settle down put a ridiculous amount of energy into getting laid. It seems to be where they get their self-worth. I know a guy who bought a $600K condo and a $90K Porsha just to look more attractive to women, it is pathetic. Hookers are cheaper. Men devote their entire life and energy to finding multiple women, to me it gets old.
Conclusion: Are Women Worth the Trouble?
Since I am not MGTOW and still dating, I will reluctantly say yes. The difference between a 46-year-old me and a 30-year-old me is that I value my own success and life more than finding a girlfriend. I want to travel, build a business, rejoin Jujitsu, and just live my life. If I find someone to join me along the way, great. A good woman is worth sacrificing some of the single life, but no one is worth sacrificing your goals and values.
You should have paid attention in high school when the teachers were covering basic grammar.
Try using commas more often. It can work wonders for readability.
What is worse my mother was an English teacher. No need for the passive aggressive tone (what are you a middle age woman?), but I do appreciate the feedback. I always want the best experience for my readers. Hope you come back to the site, follow me on twitter at @areinventedman.
Your a douche. I know it’s you’re but I wanted to say your a douche because we all know it whether there’s an apostrophe or not.
Man shut up and read the article.
I say no, it’s not worth it anymore. Too much damage has been done, and too many lines have been crossed. I’m one of those MGTOW. Sure, I’ll get insulted for that. yet I’d rather be insulted and degraded for that, than have my life ruined in all the ways described here, or even worse. if anyone knows how to go back in time and change/undo all the damage that’s been done, then maybe some of us will be willing to give this another shot. yet until then………. well…….
I say no, it’s not worth it anymore. Too much damage has been done, and too many lines have been crossed. I’m one of those MGTOW. Sure, I’ll get insulted for that. yet I’d rather be insulted and degraded for that, than have my life ruined in all the ways described here, or even worse. if anyone knows how to go back in time and change/undo all the damage that’s been done, then maybe some of us will be willing to give this another shot. yet until then………. well…….
Not worth it. When menopause or perimenopause hits, all bets are off.
Keep it light, catch and release.
Even before that
Having suffered through divorce twice, once when my parents divorced, then my own, I would say no, it’s not worth the risks and trouble. The bad experiences I had with women were just the icing on a nasty cake.
I hear that a lot. I have family going through the exact same thing.