Why you Should Give Up Video Games

ut on a limb here and assume you have some goals outside of living in your mom’s basement. Furthermore, these goals do not include being a virgin at 40 and yelling at teenagers in Call of Duty. If these are factual statements then I will say this, you should give up video games. Maybe not 100%, but dramatically cut back on them. I have seen gamers. Hell, I have been one, playing for hours at end until four in the morning, not being able to wake up the next day. Thinking back, I realize how utterly useless that time was spent. No young man, really no man should waste their precious resources (IE time and Money) gaming.

Society seems to be out to get us men. The powers that be set up this world to distract us and make us as useless as possible so we can be milked for all you’re worth. Video games are just one example of this. You should give up video games because they offer very few benefits in the long run. Sure, if you are going to be the League of Legends champion (they get all the women) ignore this post. If you are inspired to do something with your life, then keep reading. I will lay out why you should give up video games.

Video Games Waste Time

Give up Video Games

When you are young you think you have all the time in the world. This is why you feel you can spend hours playing a fantasy game that takes you nowhere. Looking back, that time can be better spent doing 1000 different things. Imagine if you play 5 hours of video games every other night. Roughly, 15 hours a week. This is conservative compared to what I have seen some people play. In a year that is 780 hours of video games. That works out to about 33 days of your life gone every year. With nothing to show for it. This is why you need to give up or at least cut down on video games.

What else can you be doing with this time? If you found a way to make $20/hour in that time that is 15K a year. Even if you use the time to learn a new skill or read a book you will be lightyears ahead of other people your age. If you are 22 years old (although I know grown men addicted to video games), think of your life in ten years. Imagine having an extra 100K plus in the bank because you didn’t want to waste your time shooting a stranger in a fake world.

I know what you might say, there are other habits just as bad, or worse (TV for example). No doubt. You should limit or eliminate TV also. Video games have other negatives that make them even worse than other time sucking activities.

Video Games Give You a False Sense of Accomplishment

People feel (momentarily) great when they beat that next level or win that next game. I remember when I was a kid playing Legend of Zelda. Beating a boss made me so happy, for a little bit. Once I beat the game there is almost a sense of emptiness and a feeling of “for what”? What did I accomplish. It is not like I am putting Zelda Champion on my resume. I gained no real skills, yet I feel like I did something.

Today’s games are even worse. They are designed to make you keep playing indefinitely. There is always another level, another game. If you catch up too quickly an upgrade will make you have something else to aspire to. It never ends. Well until the sequel comes out or the next big thing. Then you are back to square one. I do not care how good you are at Minecraft; you are a legend in your own mind. History books aren’t filled with stories about Video game champions. Remember most games are designed to allow you to advance. When you do you are not special, you are part of the marketing campaign.

Video Games are Addictive

Why you should Give up Video Games

Video games are addicting in ways that other time-wasting activities are not. Yes, people spend hours watching TV, but I never was so lost in thought as when I played video games. It is amazing how a generation of kids with ADHD can spend 5 hours totally engrossed in a video game. Do not get it twisted you should give up video games because they are addictive. Hit the link to read the article that explains more.

Maybe it isn’t a physical addiction like OxyContin, but it can have the same outcome. I have seen relationships ruined and people lose their jobs because all they did was play Video Games. This one dude I know was making $40K max a year. He was going through a divorce (one of those rare men who I blame). Yet this guy had the nerve to brag about having $15K worth of crap for his imaginary game. Worst of all, I have never even heard of this game. He played a game that was irrelevant, and in turn made himself irrelevant. All to feed his addiction.

You Aren’t Facing Reality

Video games are a form of escapism. When you aren’t facing reality in your life, you are doomed to failure. People engrossed in video games will brag about how good they are in Maddon but can’t run a half of a mile. They believe they are athletes or soldiers, when in reality they are losers. Getting rich in a video game means nothing, if you are working a dead-end job.

People’s lives suck so bad that they disappear into a fantasy world while slipping further behind in their own reality. I get it, success is hard. Life wasn’t made to be beaten, at least easily. You can do everything right and still lose. There is no reset button, no saving your progress and it sure isn’t as fun as a headshot. Still if you want a fulfilling life, you must face reality. You must keep going, no cheat codes, not one online tip on how to get to the next level. Just the grind.

So, put down the controller and fix your relationships. Get in the gym, fuck get some sleep. The extra time you gain from not playing video games and facing your problems is priceless. You cannot get that back.

Conclusion: Why You Should Give up Video Games

I am not saying never pick up a controller again, there is a time and a place to relax. What I am saying is if you do not have your shit together you need to give up video games. Like anything bad for us, junk food, TV, beer, or meth a little probably won’t kill you (well maybe with meth it will), but it will ruin your life in excess. The worst part is you won’t even know it is happening.

One day you will turn around and see you went nowhere for the last decade. The game you were so great at has 5 new versions or isn’t even played anymore. You gained nothing but 30lbs because you wanted to escape reality and not face your life.

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